“Play a Role!” Awareness Week

Sweden is shining a spotlight on children growing up in families affected by excessive alcohol use through its awareness week, “Play a Role!”, coinciding with Valentine’s Day week, February 12-18, 2024. This initiative aligns with similar campaigns like the Children of Alcoholics Week observed in the USA and the UK, highlighting the struggles of children in such environments.

First launched in Sweden in 2011, the “Play a Role!” week aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children and youths living in families where an adult drinks excessively. The 2024 edition of this awareness week focuses on empowering communities, organizations, and individuals to contribute to the cause.

Throughout the week, four digital seminars will be available for free. They will cover various topics, from the role of sports coaches to early detection and research on mitigating the negative effects of parental drinking. Highlights include personal experiences shared by TV presenter Pär Lernström and Rebecca Martins, an advocate for “Safe Children,” drawing attention to the real-world impact of growing up in such families.

Organizations, municipalities, and other groups are encouraged to host their “Play a Role!” activities, with resources, posters, and social media content available on the campaign website, duspelarroll.se. The initiative urges participants to use the hashtag #spelaroll2024 to broaden the campaign’s reach.

The issue of children affected by familial alcohol abuse gains international attention during this week, with similar initiatives taking place globally, including long-standing observances in the USA and the UK. Sweden’s continued commitment to the “Play a Role!” campaign since its inception in 2011 underscores the ongoing effort to support children living in these challenging circumstances.

Learn more from https://duspelarroll.se/ (Sweden, February 2024)

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