Four Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable During the Recovery Process

It can be challenging to achieve sobriety, particularly for those who have struggled with addiction for many years. People with substance abuse issues are encouraged to change their old habits, establish a new routine, and contemplate every choice they make to ensure it is aligned with their recovery goals. It is easy to see how this might become overwhelming.

During the recovery process, everyone has to make sure that they hold themselves accountable. For individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), this term can hold significant weight. The following are five ways that people struggling with AUD can hold themselves accountable during the recovery process.

1. Talk to Family Members and Friends

If you are struggling with AUD and looking for ways to hold yourself accountable, one of the first steps that you can take is to communicate your sobriety goals to your family and friends. Be transparent with them and let them know of your commitment to recovery.

When discussing your sober goals, be forthcoming about your recovery process and how they can help you succeed. If you lead with honesty, they will likely be better equipped to help you be accountable. Having open communication with your Recovery Circle can be incredibly important during the recovery journey, and often improves long-term sobriety.

2. Embrace Honesty

During your recovery process, you may discover new things about yourself. For example, it may become evident that you have not been honest with yourself and those around you. Some of the small dishonesties you have perpetuated may include:

  • The number of drinks you might have had
  • When you last had something to drink
  • Where you were going when you were actually going out to get a drink
  • How you felt in the morning
  • What you did last night
  • What you are drinking
  • Why you missed a day (or more) from work

For many people who are recovering from alcohol addiction, lies about drinking habits may be common rhetoric.

During recovery, facing the truth and taking ownership of your actions can be challenging. Open up to others about the recovery process, even if it’s sharing moments of weakness or concerns over relapse. This will help keep you accountable and feel proud of how far you have come. Having a strong support network that you can trust can be indicative of improved, long-term sobriety.

3. Remain Connected to Others

One of the hardest parts of Addiction Treatment is the feeling of isolation that can stem from recovery. It is not uncommon for people struggling with AUD to lose a significant number of friends during the recovery process due to disassociation, improved routines, and healthier habits. Often, the people you may feel the need to disconnect from are those who helped fuel the alcohol addiction in the first place. Thus, modifying relationships and staying connected to those who support a healthier lifestyle can lead to a positive recovery.

Thanks to advancements in technology, there are several ways for individuals in recovery to stay connected, including using electronic resources to keep in touch with family members, recovery groups, and friends. Soberlink remote alcohol monitoring keeps people stay connected to their Recovery Circles while promoting accountability. Each day, a client will submit a scheduled test. Those test results will then be automatically sent to the individual’s support network in real-time. Sharing your progress with loved ones using tools like Soberlink not only supports accountability, but also helps rebuild trust and repair potential damaged relationships.

4. Remember What You Have to Lose

One of the best ways to remain accountable is to remind yourself of what you have to lose. Think about what you are trying to build in your future. You might be trying to rebuild trust with family members and friends. Or perhaps you are trying to create a healthier narrative for your future. Whether you are trying to find a new sense of confidence in sobriety, if you start drinking again, you risk losing all achievements and any progress made. Whenever alcohol poses a temptation, one must ask themselves, ‘Do you want to regress and go back to your old life? Are you willing to lose everything for that next drink?’ Reminding yourself of this situation in times of vulnerability is a great way to hold yourself accountable.

The Importance of Accountability in Recovery

Successful recovery begins and ends with you and your commitment to sobriety. You cannot do it for anyone else. While family and friends make useful support systems, it is ultimately your decisions that determine the outcome. Remaining accountable is the first step. Surrounding yourself with a responsible support network is the next step. Improve communication with loved ones and be transparent during your journey. AUD is a disorder and not a moral failing. Reaching out for help can make all the difference in a lasting recovery. Use what tools are available to you and commit to yourself that your sobriety is more important than periodic temptations.  With time, patience, and support, you can achieve the life you have always envisioned.

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