
The West Midlands Police have released a poignant campaign video featuring the heartbreaking story of Harry Chapman, who was tragically killed by a drunk driver just two weeks before his 21st birthday. Claire Chapman, Harry’s mother, and his sister Lola, share their profound grief in hopes of raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. Harry was struck by a driver who was more than twice the legal alcohol limit and speeding at 97mph in a 30mph zone. The raw emotion in Claire’s voice as she recounts the devastating events reflects the immense pain of losing her son. The campaign aims to prevent similar tragedies by encouraging responsible behaviour and emphasizing the severe consequences of drunk driving.

Claire and Lola’s participation in this campaign underscores the devastating and lifelong impact of drunk driving. Harry’s vibrant life and future plans were abruptly ended, leaving a void in his family’s lives. Claire’s daily routine of opening Harry’s curtains serves as a poignant reminder of his absence. The campaign stresses the importance of planning safe rides home and intervening when friends are impaired. It also highlights the significant penalties for drunk driving, including hefty fines, driving bans, and criminal records. The Chapmans hope that sharing Harry’s story can inspire others to make responsible choices and avoid the irreversible consequences of drunk driving.

Find more from the West Midlands Police (UK, 2024)

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