Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 in Germany

Germany is set to host Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 from June 8 to June 16. This initiative features hundreds of events across the country, including information booths, online and in-person lectures, prevention days in schools and workplaces, exhibitions, readings, film screenings, theatre performances, sports events, and much more.

The campaign is supported by a wide array of participants, including self-help groups, addiction counselling centres, prevention specialists, numerous businesses, municipalities, medical practices, clinics, police departments, sports clubs, and many other organizers. The goal is to educate the public about the risks associated with alcohol consumption and encourage people to reconsider their drinking habits. Importantly, this campaign is not only targeted at individuals with problematic alcohol use or dependency but is aimed at everyone who consumes alcohol.

The German Center for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V., DHS) is the leading organizer of this event. On June 8, to mark the beginning of Alcohol Awareness Week 2024, the DHS released a press statement and a position paper on structural alcohol prevention. This document, co-signed by the German Medical Association, the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists, the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology, and the DG Sucht, calls for significant measures such as raising alcohol prices, restricting the availability of alcoholic beverages, and regulating alcohol advertising and sponsorship.

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