“It’s the basics”

Public Health France has been implementing a comprehensive strategy to reduce risks associated with alcohol and psychoactive substances for several years. This strategy is based on analyzing health behaviours in the population, scientifically estimating the burden these consumptions represent for health, and using scientific knowledge on effective prevention measures. It targets specific populations, such as pregnant women and young people, and the general population by reminding them of the risks, encouraging reduced alcohol consumption, and promoting low-risk consumption guidelines.

In 2022, psychoactive substance use remained widespread among young people, with experimentation starting in adolescence: 81% of 17-year-olds had tried alcohol, and 30% had tried cannabis. Although binge drinking behaviours have been declining over the past decade, a third of 17-year-olds experienced at least one episode of binge drinking in the past month. During the critical transition from adolescence to adulthood, young people are more likely to experiment with or excessively consume substances, often to strengthen social bonds. The start of higher education in September and October coincides with increased opportunities for heavy drinking, posing short-term health risks like alcohol poisoning, road accidents, and unprotected sex. This campaign aims to raise awareness among young people about these risks and encourage protective behaviours within peer groups.

The “it’s the basics” campaign, which ran from September 25 to November 8, 2023, employed a multichannel approach with a significant digital component to reduce risks and damages related to heavy alcohol and cannabis consumption. Following the “Amis aussi la nuit” campaign, which focused on peer prevention, “it’s the basics” aimed to strengthen messages on preventing social pressure and reducing consumption. The campaign featured eight key messages across radio, posters, and digital platforms, emphasizing essential protective behaviours like not insisting friends drink, encouraging moderation, and ensuring friends’ safety. Partnering with the digital media platform Konbini and using influencers like Vincent Le Vrai, the campaign effectively communicated its message in a relatable and memorable way for young people.

Learn more from Santé Publique France (France, 2023)

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