
A recent campaign titled “Addicted2Life – Non te la bere” highlights the serious risks associated with alcohol abuse, focusing particularly on its prevalence among younger individuals in Italy. Endorsed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna, the campaign educates on the negative health consequences that can result from excessive alcohol consumption, such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neuropsychiatric disorders, which are among the top causes of disability and death globally. The initiative underscores that there is no “safe” level of alcohol consumption, advocating instead for awareness of low-risk quantities.

The campaign uses the Shaka/Hang Loose gesture, traditionally a symbol of appreciation and passion in Hawaiian culture, as a core graphic element to promote a passion for life rather than alcohol. This choice reflects the campaign’s broader message: to cherish life’s moments without the influence of alcohol. The initiative also addresses the legality and enforcement of alcohol consumption laws in Italy, emphasizing that selling alcohol to individuals under 18 is prohibited, and violation of this law is a serious offence.

“Addicted2Life” also delves into the science of alcohol’s effects on the body, explaining how alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and affects various bodily functions, including mood, perception, cognition, and motor coordination. The campaign warns of the long-term effects on sexual health and reproductive capabilities, as well as the dangers of drinking while pregnant, highlighting the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. Through this factual approach, the campaign aims to foster a more informed understanding of alcohol’s impact on health and well-being, promoting informed choices among individuals, particularly the youth.

Find more from Salute Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy, April 2024)

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